New art for new offices

Seldom have people taken part so enthusiastically in the Cologne Graffiti Team Spray Event. And no wonder: the five 1.20 m x 1.60 m canvasses were intended to grace the new offices of a Cologne software house. Who wouldn’t give their all?

After fortifying themselves in sync with the theme with burgers made “their way”, participants received a brief introduction to the technique from our graffiti artist Kai “Semor” Niederhausen, after which they were turned loose with their spray cans.

The 20 participants composed their canvasses in groups. They continuously created new stencils. They thought up and tried out ever new techniques. “Semor” was always on hand to advise and, where necessary, help out as needed.

The breaks for tasty muffins offered the artists a chance to take a step back and consider their works so that they could resume their creative efforts after their snack break with even greater inspiration. As with all true artists, the teams were never truly satisfied with their efforts – so they toiled over their works in their imposing industrial location right up to the last second.

And that’s what a team event with long-lasting impact looks like. Planning and conducting this event from start to finish was a whole lot of fun.