The ultimate cool: vocational training at Apobank

The #apoTalents onboarding streaming event extended a warm welcome to 2020’s new vocational trainees. An enthusiastic team of three, consisting of two senior managers of Apobank along with moderator Chérine De Bruijn, took great and obvious pleasure in introducing the new employees to the world of Apobank. 

How things work at the company headquarters in Düsseldorf, what seminars are offered for the newbies, who the managing board members and what the rules of Apobank’s social media etiquette are – this welcome event answered all these questions and more. But the trainees themselves played an active role: in the apoQuiz, they had a chance to answer tricky questions and win fantastic prizes while acquiring true inside information about their new employer. The programme also provided an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other: the newbies made short selfie clips in which they answered questions about themselves.

All in all, it was a completely successful onboarding for a fun and positive career start!

@welcome #directorialwork #scheduling #movies #interactivetool #streamingwebsite #trailer