Santa Click is coming to town!

The virtual Clickmas party

Ho ho ho! The fun-filled online company Christmas party of a multinational corporation was held in our Studio 1 on 17/12/2020. With a time lag of 25 seconds, gigabit reindeer pulled the-stream sleigh to reward all employees around the world. The company’s employees in Sarawak (Malaysia), Bilbao (Spain) and the Rhineland all came together LIVE and in real time – which, on account of the different time zones, happened to be 11 am for some and 6 pm for others.

Tasty treats dispatched in advance of the event were opened and sampled together, Christmas ornaments shined, and it even snowed on the green screen. The opening speech of the two owners was deeply moving. The keynote address LOCKDOWN AS ACCELERATOR by Karl-Heinz Land offered the most nourishing food for thought. Viewers were thrilled by phone-cam videos from all over the world, and the winner of the specially created company Christmas trivia contest received a FANTASTIC prize. Viewers were astounded by a digital fireworks show and deeply touched by a flying-pic collage of submitted portrait photos. A much-needed dose of socially distant emotional closeness in the depths of the pandemic.

Oh Happy Click-MAS…

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