Düren Administrative District moves up to the master class!

This year as well, EXPO REAL in Munich, Europe’s largest real estate trade show, proved to be an absolute visitor and investor magnet. And the Düren Administrative District was there with its 15 municipalities – as well as its own unique objectives – as part of the 1a booth of Region-Aachen.
welcome was commissioned to build the communication strategy for a complete relaunch of the previous format. This not only paved the way for new ideas, bright colour and the perfect setting to reflect the potential of the district – going forward, the projects and perspectives of this trade show presence will level up to the “master class”. Over 100 “masters” came together in the new deliberation and encounter spaces to learn about perfectly prepared beacon projects and take away new ideas the masterful creative stimulus, with a target clearly formulated by District Executive Wolfgang Spelthahn: the growth offensive 300,000+. This master class is sure to make attainment of this ambitious objective a certainty.
