2nd REload Innovation Conference "Focus at attention on SMEs"

At this year’s Innovation Conference - “REK_innovativ: Brücken zu einer Zukunftsregion (bridges to a region full of future potential)” - staged at Bergheim on 13 March 2018, exciting lectures, an innovative exhibition, and astonishing live insights into novel 3D production processes were some of the things that awaited the guests. Presenter Harald Greising led the audience through a programme full of variety. Keynote speaker Karl-Heinz Land truly lived up to his reputation as a digital pioneer. And graphic recorder Volker Voigt captured everything swiftly.

Working in close cooperation with the Rhein-Erft business development organization, welcome was responsible for the conceptualization of the format and the realization of the project. Innovation was also interpreted literally when it came to matters of look & feel: a centre stage, live transmissions to the 3D lab in the Ruhr area and to Aachen University, talks and films, and commitments to participation on the part of attendees written on extra-large beer mats all made the event a great success.