“Feel at home!” – a heart-warmingly cool event idea

In 2019, welcome GmbH had not one but two occasions to stage the topic “at home”: on a large stage and as an overall space concept. Whether because in the larger sense, an enterprise’s home is its business model, or whether we went back in time to the origin of a product innovation:

Being at home means familiarity, closeness, comfort.

So to celebrate the coop’s 100th anniversary, welcome GmbH transformed the already magical Cologne venue Wolkenburg into a place where everyone could feel AT HOME: clotheslines with congratulation cards, a cheerfully mismatched assortment of wooden chairs, good old empty bottles as candlesticks, happy colourful wild flowers, brief, thematically coordinated speeches and a programme that took place amidst the guests – those were just the high points of this joyous summer evening. Plus, the guests got to watch “television”: an emotional anniversary feature recapped 100 eventful years for the guests.

For another project, we focused on the stage design: here, we transplanted a panel discussion into a living room right out of the 1960s. With all the trimmings: the end table with the orange dial telephone, the newspaper rack and the standing lamp.