The impact of the corona crisis for the city and Cologne’s economy

That was the title of the Stadtwerke Köln (SWK) Managementtreffen#digital event, the first live digital event at which the managing board members of Stadtwerke Köln, Cologne’s city-owned utility holding, engaged in intensive dialogue with its managers. 

130 managers attentively followed the talks of Garrelt Duin (Cologne Chamber of Trade) and Prof. Dörte Diemert (Cologne City Treasurer) and the subsequent discussion that was webcast directly from our Atelier studio. The interviews recorded in advance with Cologne-based business and organisations hard hit by the corona crisis provided not only variety, but much food for thought. 

The event participants could truly participate continually in the event using the question/survey tool Stadtwerke Köln has already placed follow-up events on topics such as mobility and digitalisation on its agenda for this year.

@welcome #directorialwork #scheduling #movies #interactivetool #streamingwebsite #trailer